Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nobody Cares About the Stupid Dogs

Relax.  The last thing I want is for us to decide the fate of the most powerful office in the world based on two ridiculously insignificant dog stories.  These goes to both sides.

My first thought when I heard about liberals in a rage that Mitt Romney strapped a dog carrier to the top of his car was, that if this was the best dirt that they could come up with, then we're golden.  

Then Mitt Romney responds by mentioning that Obama has admitted to actually eating down.  Okay, that's both gross, and to some, morally questionable.  In one of Obama's autobiographies, he mentions that as a child in Indonesia, his father fed him dog meat.  It's gross, but it's not that big of a deal.

This mention should probably be the end of it.  We should be focusing our attention on how insignificant the dog carrier story is, not obsessing with our own insignificant dog story.

Animal rights activists are having a hay day over the dog carrier story.  Because we all know how much dogs hate the feel of wind in their faces.  Ever roll down the window for a dog?  You're biggest worry is them jumping out, not him somehow getting sick.  Like I said, ridiculously insignificant story.  It's just the mad rantings of people looking for a reason to crucify anyone opposing Obama.

But now usually level headed conservatives are obsessed with the dog meat story.  It's gross, but let's be real.  He was a child, and his dad fed it to him.  Kids will eat just about anything that you tell them to.  Is this what the side opposing the most Socialist president in the history of our country should be known for?  This is a guy who said that his home state of Hawaii was in Asia, and that the United States has 57 states, and we're talking about a questionable meal his father fed him?  He's been on more vacations and he's spent astronomically more than any president prior, and we're obsessed with this?  

If we want to dethrone Obama, we can't obsess with petty things, particularly when there are so many concrete things going on.  How about we talk about his accusations that Bush was unpatriotic for spending $4 trillion in eight years, and then he himself spent $5 trillion in three years?  That's a rate of 3.25 times the rate that was spent while fighting a war.

Can we drop this, before we lose all credibility?

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