Friday, April 6, 2012

A Defense of Rush

The mainstream liberal media has always brutally slandered anyone who spoke out conservatively, but there's nobody that they like to slander more than Rush Limbaugh. I've heard so many terrible things that he said, just to find out that they didn't just take a quote out of context, but changed it entirely.  There's also been cases where they just made quotes up entirely.  Or at least used a false Wikipedia entry as a source.

In case you don't know, Wikipedia is never considered an acceptable source.  In college, a paper wasn't accepted if we used a Wikipedia.  You know why?  Because any jackass can edit it at any time.  Condemning someone because of a quote found on Wikipedia is like walking through the halls of a high school, and using quotes that you overheard from rumors.  Here's one of the "quotes" that Rush Limbaugh was falsely accused of.

"I mean, let's face it, we didn't have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing.  Quite  the opposite: slavery built the South.  I'm not saying we should bring it back; I'm just saying it had it's merits.  For one thing, the streets were safer after dark."

That quote is ridiculous, and never actually said by Rush Limbaugh.  Mark Steyn says that it's up to Rush Limbaugh to prove that he didn't say it, but that's impossible.  It doesn't take a journalist scouring Wikipedia to know that it's impossible to prove a negative.  If I were to claim that I can fly, you can't prove that I can't.  It's up to these journalists making these outlandish claims to prove it's true.  If he had said these things, it would be easy to prove.  After all, Rush Limbaugh supposedly says these things on the radio.  That means it's recorded.

There's another quote he never said as well, honoring the admitted assassin of Martin Luther King.

"You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor?  James Earl Ray.  We miss you.  James, Godspeed."

Never said it.  Never said anything like it.  This quote seems to have originated from a blogger that went by the name Cobra.  He claims that he got the quote out of the book "101 People Screwing up America", a book written in 2006.  Cobra first started spewing this slander in 2005.  Maybe he called the Psychic Hotline.  Who am I to question him?

There's also been numerous quotes that were altered in a way to make him look bad.  I remember everyone cheering him on to leave the country because he said that if Obamacare was passed he would leave the country. False.  He said if Obamacare is passed, that you're better off receiving healthcare in another country.  See the difference?

Rush Limbaugh has made a few missteps.  Said things quickly, without being careful about his words, as we've all done.  He's said things that his attackers were able to publish out of context, and therefore able to paint him any way they want.  What it really comes down to is this.  If the things he says are really so bad, why do they have to lie about him so much to make him look worse?  I don't have to make up fake Hitler quotes to make him look bad.  I can just tell you what he actually said.  I can even provide a link showing his entire speech so that you can make sure that it wasn't taken out of context.  This is because he actually WAS racist.

Now the liberal media is in an outrage because he called a woman who claimed she was owed $3,000 dollars in condoms a slut.  Not that I blame him, but he apologized.  Ed Schultz condemned him for this, even after he apologized.  Why is this significant?  Here is Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingraham a slut.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is what we call a source.  So, let's recap here.  Rush Limbaugh calls a woman a slut.  He apologizes.  Calls are made for him to be removed from the air.  Those making the calls say that another woman is a slut.  No calls made.  Ed apologized as well, but that apparently doesn't make them equal.  If Ed Schultz thinks that Rush should be pulled off the air, and wants to be taken seriously, then he needs to quit. None of the people calling out for Rush to be fired were upset at all about this, nor about any of the ridiculously sexist things to come out of Bill Maher's mouth. 

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