Sunday, April 8, 2012

Abortions and a Beating Heart

I recently had an argument in the comments section of an article related to After Birth Abortion.  I responded to a person who accused every single pro-lifer on the planet of being selfish.  This was based on the likelihood that the child's life would be less than perfect.  I'd like to offer a public counter argument.

Is it okay to kill someone because we don't think their life will be good enough? If the problem is over-crowded orphanages, perhaps we should just go in and euthanize about 95% of all orphans.  Using the same tactic as abortion, we've completely solved the over-populated orphanages problem, and saved all those children by providing death rather than the possibility of a not so great life.

Who your parents are, and how you grow up dictate how your childhood is.  When you live in an orphanage, and you have no parents, it can be a depressing childhood.  But then you grow up.  And while your childhood likely affects your adulthood, it doesn't have to.  People overcome adversity every day, and to take someone's chance away to overcome that adversity because you think that they won't do it is wrong.

Say you know that the child is going to grow up a criminal.  Does this make abortion okay?  What if we had a way to determine for sure every kid that ends up a criminal?  Should we execute all these children?  If abortion is okay because these children might turn out badly, surely it should be okay if we were to know for sure.

For those that say that abortion is wrong, but that we have no right to dictate what a woman does with her body, then why stop with pregnancies?  If you know that it's wrong, then you've conceded that the fetus is a living person.  Therefore, you've conceded that an abortion is murder.  Why only legalize infanticide?  If we go that far, why not say it's okay to shoot your next door neighbor because his music is always too loud?  Or at least poison them in a humane way.

Life has consequences.  When you have sex, you get pregnant.  I know that there is a tiny percentage out there of those who have been raped, but those are really small numbers in comparison to the more likely possibility, that you chose to have sex, and now you're pregnant.  It was your choice, not the choice of the child.  When you choose abortion, you choose the child's death to avoid nine months of inconvenience.

There is too much lack of responsibility in today's society.  People want to live however they want, and they want to do it without consequences.  If they get pregnant, they want an abortion so that they don't have to deal with the baby.  If they eat McDonald's every day, they want diet pills, or a Gastric Bypass, rather than just learn to eat better.  If they spent their money junk instead of health insurance, they want government to pay for it.  Life has consequences.  You can dodge the responsibility of the situation you put yourself into with an abortion, but there are still consequences.  For you, the consequences are psychological issues, and spending the rest of your life knowing that you may have murdered a living person.  For the child, those consequences are death.

Abortion is wrong.  I've seen videos of the act.  If you haven't, and you think you have the stomach, you should.  It's not just a clump of cells, it's a baby that reacts.  Abortion is wrong, and as someone who believes that abortion is wrong, I would be a monster to not stand against it.  So I will stand against it, regardless of the cheap tactics used against me to paint me as somehow sexist because I don't condone infanticide, because the cause is greater than myself.


  1. To all the pro-choice people out there who use the rape situation argument over and over, this is for you. Okay, well as far as the whole rape argument goes, everyone's argument seems to be that if she gets pregnant she will be reminded of it for the whole time she's pregnant, so she shouldn't have to endure the reminder. Has it occurred to you that you NEVER forget being raped, that you don't have to get pregnant to be reminded every time you close your eyes, every time you're alone or feel insecure, it's there. You don't forget. But the baby did not commit the crime. And it didn't ask to be conceived, in any manner. That child is as much the victim as the mother is. Do you think that it wouldn't bother the child to grow up knowing what "daddy" did to mommy? But to give that child a chance at a life, whether through adoption or to keep it, then the mother would know that she didn't go through it alone. That fact alone is therapeutic, and it is a proven fact that aborting the child makes the trauma worse. The ONLY situation that an abortion is acceptable is in the case where the mother's life is in jeopardy and neither would survive anyhow, such as in tubal pregnancies. There is NEVER a case where someone has the right to end another person's life, or decide that they don't have the right to live, simply for their own CONVENIENCE. I love how people who are pro-choice say that it's not a baby and isn't really alive until it's born. They treat it like a tumor that spontaneously becomes a child upon birth. Is that just your way of trying to ease your own concience of the lives that are taken, by trying to convince yourself that it's not really a life? It's sickening. As I said, nobody has the right to end another's life for the sake of their own convenience. And by the way, only 2% of abortions are performed for the rape or health scenario. The rest are simply because the mothers don't feel that they want to be mommies yet. And then you have the chance of abuse/neglect thing that people seem to be bringing up. I happen to be very good friends with a foster family, and know their kids. They've adopted several children that come from difficult backgrounds because they were unable to have children of their own and wanted to give them a chance at a good life. They aren't rich, but they do get by and they take care of their family. Some of the kids that they foster have seriously been through hell. My ex was one of their kids, and after being seriously neglected and abused he was taken out of his home and tossed from one family member to the next, being abandoned by one after the other. Finally, he was placed in a foster family where he was molested by one of the other kids and was run over by a brush hog and lost his leg. After that, he finally was sent to live with the family I told you about and was adopted. Yeah, he's got issues. But he is a good person. That's just one specific situation. And you mean to tell me that he's better off dead? I don't think that he would agree with you, and neither would the countless other kids that have been through the system and survived. No, it's not pretty. But when is life ever pretty? It's hardship that shapes us into who we are. If we're selfish for wanting to give people the chance to grow and live, then I'm proud to be so.

  2. To suggest that the right thing to do is to kill a child rather than provide a less than perfect life is ridiculous. I'm glad to hear that your boyfriend made it through all that, and I'm sure that he's a better person for it.
