Sunday, April 15, 2012

Free Market Capitalism

Free Market Capitalism is the ONLY system that works for the people.  It is the one system where a people can truly be free, because it's the one system that encourages independence.

As a child, I lived with my parents.  I paid no rent, I had no bills, I was fed, and I was even provided with spending money.  But I had rules.  I had a curfew, I was only allowed to watch certain movies, and I needed permission for a great many things that would have otherwise only been my business.  The reason I had these rules was because I was living under someone else's roof, and being taken care of.  I had the burden of dependence.

When I became an adult, I moved out.  I got a job, and I started paying my own way.  I got married to the girl I wanted to marry, I chose the house I wanted to live in, when I go grocery shopping, I buy what I want.  I am permitted to do anything that isn't illegal, because I now have the freedom of independence.

In systems like Socialism or Communism, you have a life compared to the childhood I described.  The more you allow your government to take care of you, the less freedom you have.  The government is able to demand Social Security payments on the basis that it will have to take care of you if you have no retirement plan.  It makes sense.  If you are going to end up their obligation if you don't do it, then they need to limit that as much as possible.  Though the Individual Mandate in Obamacare was rightly deemed Unconstitutional, the reason was government would have their hands in insurance.  If they are going to take care of you by disallowing an insurance company's right to not cover preexisting conditions, then they need to make sure that everyone has insurance to begin with.  Otherwise, insurance companies would all tank, since nobody would bother buying health insurance until they actually get sick, meaning that the job of an insurance company would be to trade a large amount of money for a small amount of money, which isn't viable.

When you take unadulterated Free Market Capitalism, you get the opposite.  You are responsible for yourself. You're free to make the right decision to get insurance.  You're also free to get the coverage you want.  You're free to have the rights to your own money.  If your job isn't bringing in enough, you're free to cut your budget, save, and invest.  Have a modest income?  You can still do the same, and then have a generous income.  There's no reason to stop there.  But it's not just personal wealth that's affected.  If you're having a second baby, you have the right to keep it.  When you put government in charge of mandating your finances, they get to determine that the population is too high, and needs to cut it down.  You're free to live the life that you want to live, and to make your own personal decisions.

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