Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Differences and Similarities Between Liberals and Me

It's probably no secret that I generally don't share the same policy stance with liberals.  As such, more rabid liberals tend to paint me as a heartless person that caters to the rich at the expense of the poor.  This could not be further from the truth.  

To my readers:  Please finish before judging me.  I have a point here.

10 Things that I have in common with liberals

1.  Compassion for those that are unable to take care of themselves.  Be it that they are unable to work, they live in a third world country stricken by famine, in a situation that has spiraled out of control , etc.
2.  A strong middle class is important.
3.  Legal immigration is far too difficult with our current system.
4.  Animal products are absolutely terrible for you, and a society that lives off junk food forces us way below are potential.  That's right.  I shop at Whole Foods when I can.
5.  America is worth investing in.
6.  Racial discrimination is wrong.  A man should be judged by his actions, not the color of his skin.
7.  Gender discrimination is wrong.  A woman who provides the same quality service should be compensated the same as a man. 
8.  Every man has the right to pursue happiness.
9.  Our environment is important.  Dirty air and water isn't good for anyone.
10.  Our teachers that dedicate their careers to helping students reach their full potential deserve appreciation, and compensation.

10 Things that I differ with liberals on.

1.  Charity is not the government's responsibility.  It is a personal responsibility. When you donate to a charity, nearly all of your money goes to the cause that you chose to support.  When the government subsidizes a charity, most of that money is actually lost in the system.  When government donates for you, you have no say in what cause that your money goes to.  A society also doesn't receive the many benefits of generosity when they were never given the choice.  

2.  A strong middle class is not supported by taking large amounts of money from those that create jobs, and giving it away in excess to those that don't really need it.  It results in those that create jobs having less money to create jobs with, and it encourages those quite capable of providing for themselves to live off of others, thereby weakening the middle class.  My solution is too treat all citizens the same, not leveraging one to pamper the other.  Aside from this, the more the rich are attacked, it discourages people from going through the work necessary to attain that status.  I'd quote John Lovitz here, but after censoring the profanity, there might not be much left.

3.   Legal immigration is far too difficult, but it's because we are too soft on illegal immigration.  Every time free status is given to someone who stole it, someone trying to do it the right way now has to wait all the longer. By cracking down on immigration with laws like SB1070 unadulterated, not only can we put serious dents in American social issues, but we can afford to focus on making it easier for those wanting to come here honestly.

4.  The animal products thing doesn't tend to be very popular with my peers, but I swear by it.  Not just animal products, but all junk food has a far greater toll than people realize.  By living with nutritional excellence, disease can all but be eliminated, longevity would be greatly extended, and quality of life would be far greater.  If this lifestyle were more popular, it would be far easier to live this way, and the more people that truly lived it, the greater the world would be.  However, with government enforcement, who's to say that they aren't making the right decisions for you?  And if they get to decide what you eat, then what don't they get to decide?  If they can decide what you eat, they can decide what you can drive, they can decide what you watch, they can decide what house you can live in, they can decide your religion, they can decide how much money you can have, the list goes on.

5.  America is worth investing in.  But it shouldn't be government that does it.  The investment that should be made is to let it's people keep as much of their money as possible, regardless of status.  Historically, when this is truly allowed, the people thrive.

6.  Racial discrimination is wrong, and that's a two way street.  During the pre-civil rights era, if a black man was attacked by a white man, and the black man defended himself, he was assumed to be guilty.  Today, a man who is half-white is attacked by a black man, he defends himself, and mobs gather at the homes of anyone who even share his name threatening death to any who live there.  The media edits footage to make him appear unscathed, and only show pictures of the black man when he was only 12 years old.  The only thing suggesting that he is guilty of murder is the color of his skin, and the color of the assailant's skin.  I also believe that things like suggesting that minorities aren't capable of taking care of themselves is preposterous, and only serves to persuade minorities that they can't, perpetuating the stereotype.  When a person is told their whole life that society won't allow them to achieve, they don't attempt to achieve, and therefore do not achieve.  I believe that it's wrong to tell a person that because of their race, they have to see things from a liberal point of view, or be shunned from their community, and be accused of betraying their race, a term commonly heard amongst groups like the Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Nations, and the Black Panthers.

7.  Gender discrimination is wrong, and those participating in it should be held accountable, but only when the act is actually committed.  It's repeated by liberals that a woman performing the same job as a man makes less than that man, but the data is flawed.  When the data only compares career women to career men, women actually tend to make more.  The data used for this assumption overlooks certain factors, like a higher percentage of women working fewer hours, due to wanting to be home with her children.  When you work full time or more, you climb the ladder faster, and make more.  On top of that, when sexual harassment lawsuits are abused, it encourages discrimination, since employers tend to worry that frivolous lawsuits will be filed if they hire women that appear to be a certain type.

8.  Every man has the right to PURSUE happiness, not be provided with it.  When you provide people with free things in order to give happiness, you have to take from others.  If your rights impede on my rights, then they are not rights.  Someone who is provided everything in life is unlikely to ever truly know happiness, as he never learns to appreciate what he has.

9.  Our environment is important, but silly propaganda should not be heeded.  There is far more science debunking global warming than there is supporting it.  Regardless, a polluted world isn't something to be embraced.  My solution is to let the free market do what it does.  Innovate.  Technology is good for the environment, but forcing it along artificially only slows it down.  When the free market gets there naturally, it's strong, and it lasts, and the problems it solves never return.

10.  Our teachers that seek to help our children reach their full potential deserve recognition, but to assume that all teachers should be treated as such is foolishness.  For example, there was a teacher that taught at my high school that threw a party where sixteen year old students attended.  Alcohol was provided at this party. My dad was on the school board at the time, and he did his job by attempting to have him fired for it.  He was never fired, my dad was kicked off the school board, and a family member of mine was nearly expelled a few years later in kindergarten over a ridiculously small incident, which many teachers lied on their report about in order to make it look as extreme as possible.  My father had the audacity to hold a teacher accountable for his actions, but the teachers had only themselves in mind, and defended each other regardless of their corruption, even attacking children to get their sick revenge.  Teachers across the country have been exposed indoctrinating children by doing things like making them sing songs about how great Obama is, or in the case of a teacher in my school, refusing to let kids out of class unless they say that Obama is great.  This is illegal, yet these teachers are not losing their jobs. Teacher's unions fight to ensure that ALL teachers jobs are protected, and paid equally, regardless of the quality of their work, which results in teachers who really deserve a good pay to be paid less, so that worthless scum can have a piece of the good teacher's share.

So, it seems that in many fashions, I'm just like the liberal.  I'm not a cold, heartless, greedy individual while liberals have a monopoly on compassion.  I'm like the liberal, in that I want the same ends, but my tactics are different.  I believe that liberty can achieve all these things, while the liberal feels that politicians must be given control of our lives so that they can regulate these things.  I say that regulation does't work.  Never has, never will.  Even where liberals blame conservatism for catastrophes, a closer look always reveals that it was regulation that caused the problem, which is not conservatism.  

I implore you.  Take the conservative route.  It can achieve all the ends the you seek in ways that regulation and big government can't.

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