Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Slander Against Romney (And the RNC)

I recently heard that Obama is the most slandered man of all time, by someone claiming truth as slander.  Since liberals are claiming this, I thought I'd go ahead and point out all the slander that I'm hearing about Romney and the RNC, both from the Obama campaign, and the ridiculous statements floating around the blogosphere and facebook.

Let's start with the claim that Romney's slogan is identical to a slogan used by the KKK in the early 1920's.  Whatever jackass came up this is actually quite clever.  The claim is that Romney uses the slogan "Keep America American", and that the KKK used the slogan as well in the 1920's.  This is half true.  Just not the first half.  This slogan was used by the KKK, but these words never came out of Romney's mouth, much less used as his slogan.  The genius in this is that if someone wanted to double check this, they are more likely to double check whether or not the KKK said it, which they would find that they did, and then only assume that Romney said it.

Since we're on the subject of this particular piece of slander, let's give credit where credit is due.  The credit belongs to a very liberal media.  I have confirmed that at the very least, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times both reported that he said this, and then later issued a retraction, but the problem with this is far fewer people see the retraction than there are that see the story.  Front page stories are rarely retracted on the front page, networks that broadcast stories on TV most often issue retractions on the net rather than on TV, etc.

Romney did say something close to this, but it's meaning couldn't be further.  What he said was that the current president is transforming the United States into a European Style government, and that he believed we should "Keep America America".  As in not transform the United States into Europe, but stick with the style that has made America great.  One letter makes all the difference.

If anyone has further questions on this, feel free to comment.  Otherwise, let's move on.  Let's focus on Romney giving a steel worker's wife cancer.  This one is quite the stretch.  The claim is that after Romney took away his health insurance, that his wife got cancer.  After months of treatment, she died, and he was stuck with the bill.  Here's the actual order of events.  Romney worked for Bain Capitol.  Romney left Bain Capitol to help save the Olympics.  Later on, after Romney left, his health benefits were dropped.  Three years after that, his wife also lost her insurance.  That's right, even after that, she was still insured anyways.  They didn't get private health insurance.  Then, after all this, she got cancer, and didn't make it.  Then, the Romney campaign used her death to attack shamelessly attack Romney.

Next item.  The claim that the RNC was devoid of minorities.  I actually love this claim, because it's so easy to flip around.  It's actually pretty solid proof of NBC's extreme bias.  Liberals think that there were no minorities, because when they watched the RNC on NBC, they didn't see any.  This is because NBC cut off coverage of the event every single time that a minority spoke.  There were actually several.  But liberals would never know, because their networks refused to cover it.  This is disgusting, and should never be tolerated.

There's also the clam that Romney is a felon.  This is based on a single phone call by an anonymous person with no evidence that said he was a felon.  We have no idea who this person is, whether or not this person is credible, or if he has ever even met Romney to begin with.  One single person who can't be named makes a phone call to make the claim.  No evidence.  Not just no damning evidence, there isn't even circumstantial evidence.  It's impossible to disprove evidence that doesn't exist.  For all we know, it was this guy here on a pay phone.

Possible one that should be considered the most offensive, particularly by blacks, is the democrat's claim that they have been fighting for civil rights for over 200 years, presumably against the republicans. If more people were further educated in their history rather than what uneducated celebrities told them, they would know how false this is.  It's the exact opposite.  Republicans have been fighting AGAINST democrats for over 200 years in the name of civil rights.  Democrats supported slavery.  Democrats wrote the Jim Crow laws that kept blacks segregated.  Democrats are the reason Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to sit in the back of the bus.  Of the civil rights laws that were voted on, the average amount of democrats to vote against them was about 82%, whereas the average amount of republicans to vote for them was about 98%.  In short, without republicans, there would still be separate water fountains.

There's the claim that the Romney/Ryan medicare plan would force seniors to change their lives and use the voucher system.  This claim is ridiculous, and could only made by someone who doesn't know what the plan is to begin with, or is just plain lying.  Paul Ryan has clearly stated far before this accusation was made that seniors should not be forced to change their lives because of government's mistakes, and therefore no senior citizen would be forced to change.  Senior citizens that don't want to change their healthcare can remain in the exact same program with the exact same coverage that they already have.  The only ones affected are future generations.  With the way we're going now, healthcare won't exist period, and it's proven.  Coverage isn't being cut, the system would just change, and it's clear that something has to change, or we'll lose it entirely.  However, Obama has raided billions from medicare to pay for Obamacare, then claims that Romney wants to throw Granny over a cliff.

Then the claim that republicans want to prevent women from getting healthcare.  What's happening is that they don't want to force people to provide something that is against their moral conscience, regardless of whether or not they agree with those morals.  No woman is denied contraceptives.   If you work in a place that doesn't provide contraceptives, and it's important to you that you don't have to use your own $5, you have the option of a new job.  With the other plan, if you don't want to provide something that goes against your conscience, your only option is to shut down, all so someone doesn't have to spend a couple bucks of their own money, and doesn't have to switch jobs.  Nobody is trying to force the ACLU into providing free bibles, or Islamic organizations into providing free bacon, or the Obama campaign into free Romney/Ryan bumper stickers.  Nobody is trying to outlaw contraceptives, despite how liberals are spinning this.

I could go on and on and on, but this is already ridiculously long.  I've shown you where the slander against Romney is actually false.  In a little bit here, I'll do a separate blog on how the things that the left calls slander against Obama are in fact, true.

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