Monday, July 16, 2012

Witness #9 in the Zimmerman Trial

Witness #9 has made two claims in the Zimmerman trial.

The first being that he molested her.  Until further evidence is brought to light, this claim should be seen as nothing more than a claim.  After all, the way the public has treated Zimmerman, why not assume that one person out of so many making death threats and forcing elderly couples out of their homes based on nothing but a tweet from Spike lee might lie?  It's not like these rabid Zimmerman haters have given any reason to show that they're above it.  The Black Panthers issued a public hit on for $10,000 that they wanted to collect donations on to make 2 million.  I imagine that it would be easy to pay someone with no morals to lie.  It wouldn't take $10,000, and we already know that they're willing to pay that to see him dead.  Why not to see him in prison?

The second being that Zimmerman's whole family is racist.  She claimed that the "general feeling" is that they don't like blacks.  Except for blacks that act white.  I'm going to stop right there for a moment, and focus on the part where she said they only like blacks that act like whites.

Unless I'm mistaken, she is suggesting that whites behave a certain way, and blacks behave a certain way.  Blacks that don't behave a certain way aren't considered real blacks.  How is that assumption in itself not racist?  You're forcing people of different races into categories.  On top of that, it could be argued that she is suggesting that Zimmerman's family prefers to be around people like themselves.  Not people who look like themselves, since she said they like blacks that "act like whites", but people who behave as they do.  And this is somehow racist?  What it all boils down to, based on what she said, they aren't interested in someone's race, but rather personality.  That's racist?  To judge people on their personalities rather than their race?

Back to her claim of Zimmerman's family being racist.  Now we'll focus on the general feeling part.  The general feeling?  She has a feeling that they are racist, but can't give a single example of what makes them racist.  Not one instance of say, avoiding the minority children that Zimmerman tutored for free.  Nothing at all.  That sounds like a pretty wild claim to me.

Since the beginning of this whole thing, people have been spreading lies about Zimmerman to paint his as badly as possible.  From MSNBC's edited security tapes to the wild claims of a racial slur in the 911 that experts say was likely the word "punk", people with a need to feel superior will stop at nothing to paint this guy as a monster.

Some of these things are lies, but still dishonest.  Not one recent picture of Martin has been shown.  Think that the kid in that photo looks like an innocent child that could never hurt anybody?  He probably was when that photo was taken.  He's 12 in the photo that was painted all over the news.  I'd give more examples, but this is already my third blog on the subject.  I've already covered it.

Don't buy into the politically correct BS painted all over the internet.  The fact is that if someone has been accused of racism, with or without evidence, he's easy to hate.  And when somebody is easy to hate, people lie about him.  Look at these things objectively, don't buy into rumors.  This is a real person we're talking about, who has made far bigger contributions to his community than most of his attackers that belive they're doing the right thing.

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