Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why I Deserve the Credit for my Business

I own a small business with a partner.

It's a restaurant that serves a healthy style of food, and is becoming quite popular.

It's about two months old.  I have never received a paycheck.  If I were to figure what my hourly wage would be by figuring the amount of money I've actually received from the business, It would be less than $3 and hour.

I worked hard labor for three months before the opening day.  I tore out entire steel framed walls by hand, carved through solid concrete with a jack hammer, bashed through double layered drywall with a sledge hammer (A threefold cord is not easily broken, and neither is two layers back to back of drywall), tore out counter tops with a sledge with a top that probably weighed about one ton or more, built new counter tops by hand, hand textured the entire building, had a hundred meetings with a hundred different suppliers and contractors, and so much more.  My reward for all of this was a giant pay cut, and my bare minimum expenses paid through a small fund supplied by my partner.

When we opened, I had to deal with making sure all of my employees were trained, and having to deal with the repercussions of about half of them not doing their jobs, forcing those that actually did the work to pick up all the slack, meaning I eventually had to fire a few people.

I now wait tables on top of all of my management work because we're still paying off all of the expenses incurred on putting this place together.  The tips that I receive are nearly my whole income, and it doesn't result in me having more money, it results in me not having to take as much money out of the business.

I don't know when I can start taking actual profits, or even have a guaranteed salary.  Depending on the week, I work upwards of 80 hours a week or more, and when I'm at home reading to my children, I often have to run in to take care of any problems that occur.

So far, the IRS has made far more of a profit off this place than I have.

That's why it makes me furious that Obama has the audacity to suggest that my partner and I don't deserve 100% of the credit.  I plan for this place to be very successful, and since I did the work, I deserve the credit.  Not the government for taking the money primarily from other businesses owners, and using a negligible amount to build an infrastructure at five times the cost that the private sector would have spent.  The government can't take credit itself for anything.

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