Friday, November 16, 2012

President Barack Hussein Obama, the Tyrant

King George III was a tyrant.

He imposed heavy taxes on the thirteen colonies without offering them the representation afforded to the rest of Britain.  This was only one of his many tyrannies.  Thomas Jefferson listed many of those tyrannies in the Declaration of Independence.  Many of which, can be directly compared with the tyrannies of President Barack Hussein Obama.  In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, I'd like to list some of those tyrannies, and compare them to the tyrannies of the tyrant King George III.  Not all can be compared.  King George had more power than President Obama.  For example, it would take more than a mere four years, even for a tyrant to dissolve the House of Representatives, though has has repeatedly went around them with his executive orders.

"He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good."

What this means is that he refused to approve laws that were for the good of the people.  Obama has done the same.  As individual states request things like omission from unpopular laws like The Affordable Health Care Act, they are denied, and have to sue in hopes of attaining this.  When Arizona passed SB1070 in order to reduce crimes like murder, rape, and kidnapping, as well as many other conducted by illegal immigrants, his administration stepped in to stop it.  Even more, his administration has refused to cooperate with the state for the sections of the law that has passed.  There was nothing illegal or unconstitutional about this law, regardless of how controversial it may have been.  Despite this, he did not allow Arizona to pass this law.

"He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures."

This one doesn't apply directly today, but a comparison can still be made.  He has passed several laws in which he has refused to allow Republicans, elected to represent their voters, to attend.  Meetings either held in secret, or in ways that it was unfeasible for them to attend.  On top of this, he has issued over 900 executive orders, bypassing those elected to represent the American people altogether.

"He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance."

Obama has created a multitude of Czars to oversee many matters.  More than any president prior.  He taxes our people more and more, and he creates hatred and division among the people in order to do so.  He takes our taxes, and wastes them, and businesses go under, and jobs are lost.  He is eating our substance, and to no benefit of ours.

"For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States"

This one also does not directly translate to the tyrannies committed by Obama, but a comparison can certainly be made.  I refer of course, to the atrocities allowed in Benghazi, and the Fast and Furious scandal, in which assault weapons were provided to the Mexican Cartels, leading to the deaths of hundreds, and the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.  He has blocked any investigation into the Fast and Furious scandal, and does not allow any real information from the Benghazi terror attacks to come out.  In relation to the Fast and Furious, he has insisted that his office had nothing to do with the operation, yet he has invoked Executive Privilege in order to block the revelation of the records involving the operation.  Executive Privilege can only be invoked to protect the White House, not the Attorney General.  So, he is either lying to protect Eric Holder, lying to protect himself, or both.  He cannot be both involved and uninvolved at the same time.

His Attorney General has also prevented the prosecution of the Black Panthers for voter intimidation, despite the perfectly solid evidence against them.

"For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent"

Time and again, he has imposed federal taxes on our people without their consent.  He does so with executive orders, and closed door deals in which he swore against during his first campaign.

"For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury"

He has recently issued an executive order allowing American citizens to be held without charge indefinitely for the sake of National Security.  Without a need for a charge, no reason has to be made.


There are of course, many more tyrannies committed by our 44th President.  Whether it be lying to the people, forcing unjust laws upon us, provoking racial and class warfare, or just ignoring the will of the people, his list is great.  This is an ever expanding list.  It's important to remember that when the declaration of Independence was written, the tyrant King George III was in power for far more than four years, and started off with more power than Obama to begin with.  The more power Obama gets a hold of, the more tyrannies he will commit.

If the States attempting to secede manage to do so, you can expect the list that Thomas Jefferson gave to match the list of Obama's almost exactly, with even more listed.

Before I conclude this, it's important to note the differences between the position that Obama has been put in, and the position the King George was in.  King George was under a great amount of pressure from Parliament to overtax the American people.  In Obama's case, he has no such pressure.  He's the one creating the pressure on anyone to commit these tyrannies.  This makes Obama all the more a tyrant.

President Barack Hussein Obama is a tyrant.  He is deserving of that title.

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