Sunday, May 6, 2012

Vote for Ron Paul, and Vote for Obama

Don't not vote, just because your ideal candidate isn't getting the nomination.

What you have, whether you like it or not, is two options.  You have what we could call a moderate Republican.  He's closer to the center than he is to the right, and what we need right now is a president to the right.  Unfortunately, the other option is a Democrat that's further left than any president we've ever had.

If it's agreed that what we need is a president that's as far right as possible, then the obvious choice out the of the two is clearly the liberal Republican, not the Marxist Democrat.

If you choose to not vote, because you refuse to not vote for the lesser of two evils, then you've left it up to fate.  You've given up on our country, because you can't get your way.  You're taking your ball, and going home, because you don't get to play the position you want.

If nothing else, do it to buy time.  It could save our country from socialism just to slow down the progression towards it.  Even if you're still headed towards it, at least it's a slow pace rather than a sprint.

For the love of God, don't just give up on something as important as our country.  Mature adults learn to make do with what they have available to them.  You wouldn't sleep on the sidewalk because you're forced to live in a studio apartment rather than the dream home you feel you deserve.  Why would you allow a Marxist destroy our country just because the less liberal option isn't conservative enough?

I'm not a Mitt Romney fan.  In fact, he was one of my last.  My two candidates were Michelle Bachmann, or Herman Cain.  They've both dropped out.  I didn't throw up my hands, and refuse to vote because of it. I didn't to this, because it would be giving up on my own country over a temper tantrum.

I have my hopes that he can become the next Ronald Reagan.  After all, Ronald Reagan began his political career as a liberal democrat.  This probably won't happen.  But what also won't happen if he's elected, is that Obama won't get re-elected.  

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